
Tong Xin Ru Yi Traditional Hotpot

Tong Xin Ru Yi Traditional Hotpot

Tong Xin Ru Yi Traditional Hotpot
Tong Xin Ru Yi Traditional Hotpot
Tong Xin Ru Yi Traditional Hotpot




Tong Xin Ru Yi Traditional Hotpot
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位于驳船码头的Tong Xin Ru Yi Traditional Hotpot 同心如意传统铜火锅,呈现全新加坡首家自创有料熬制汤底火锅。也是唯一一家以禅意博物馆风格设计的火锅餐厅。在这里不仅有美味可以享用,也可以欣赏店内历史悠久的古董陈列。

Tong Xin Ru Yi Traditional Hotpot, Singapore’s Only Steamboat Establishment that Serves Flavourful Slow-cooked Soup Bases Brimming with Ingredients upon Order

Come experience masterfully-prepared hotpot in a refined and sophisticated atmosphere. A fantastic meal awaits!

Traditional way to make the soup, freshest way to eat the hotpot.

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